MC3.2 HD
Digital audio and video sync
reference master clock
The MC-3.2 SMART CLOCK HD offers highly stable clock signals for simultaneous synchronization of digital audio and SD/HD video devices. A total of 16 clock outputs offer a highly flexible connection variety combined with a new, simplified operating concept. Based on the circuit design of MUTEC's well-known iCLOCK and iD, the MC-3.2 offers unparalleled signal quality and functionality for its market segment.
The SD video reference generator supports PAL 24/25fps and NTSC 29.97/30fps as black + burst, composite sync and color bar. The HD tri-level video reference generator provides 720p, 1080i, and 1080p formats at various frame rates. MC-3.2 also generates 17 ultra-low-jitter word clock rates up to 768kHz as well as so-called super clock signals including all common pull-up/down rates. Different multipliers can be switched independently to the outputs to output different clock rates simultaneously. Herewith the MC-3.2 SMART CLOCK HD offers the currently most flexible solution on the market for A/V clock generation in 1/2-19" form factor.

- Improving overall studio sound quality
- Removal of "clicks and pops" in digital audio recordings
- Synchronizing devices with different clock rates simultaneously
- Generation of seven low-jitter base clock rates ranging from 32.0 kHz to 192.0 kHz
- Word clock outputs can be multiplied by x1, x2, x4, and x256, providing a total of 15 different clock rates
- Frequency generation according to AES11, Grade 1
- Phase-synchronized generation of AES/EBU and S/PDIF reference clock signals
- All settings can be made from the front panel
- New, simplified user interface
- All settings are retained after power off
- Built-in international power supply