TWO NOTES Revolt Series
TWO NOTES Revolt Series

TWO NOTES Revolt Series Unveiled


Full analog 3-channel amp simulators for guitar and bass offer ultimate reliability and essential fundamental tone!

ReVolt Guitar

ReVolt Guitar is the premier choice when it comes to an essential sound suitable for virtually any scenario. At the heart of ReVolt Guitar are three sonically distinct channels inspired by a Fender® Bassman 100, a Marshall® JMP Superlead and a Soldano® SLO 100. For players who want to stand out from the crowd or simply drive the ReVolt Guitar's all-analog signal path, the built-in OD boost circuitry is there in every way. Select your boost level, flip the active channel's footswitch, and dive headfirst into a world of amplified clarity and lush harmonics.


ReVolt Guitar main features

  • 3-channel guitar amp simulator with pure analog signal path
  • Give your sound warmth and bite thanks to a 12AX7 preamp tube running at high voltage - Integrated OD boost circuit with dedicated switch and level control
  • Advanced Analog Cab Sim for seamless DI, whether in the studio or on stage
  • 4-cable mode, FX Loop and MIDI In/Out for effortless integration into existing setups
  • Rugged, portable design perfectly sized for pedalboards and fly rigs
  • Includes the ReVolt: Series-G DynIR Cabinet Collection (a $100/$ value) with 10 exquisite DynIR inspired by leading guitar amps


ReVolt Bass

The ReVolt Bass was designed with excellence in sound in mind. With 3 channels inspired by legendary bass sounds, including a Ampeg® SVT '76, a Marshall® 1992 JMP Super Bass Mark II and a custom-designed high-gain bass amp, it's a sure guarantee of reliable tone in any situation. When you need the best of both worlds - the round roar of your dry DI signal with the growl of surgically tuned distortion - the Modern Drive channel of ReVolt Bass is the answer. Choose your wet/dry mix and immerse yourself in a world of saturated analog bliss without sacrificing the precision you need.


ReVolt Bass key features

  • 3-channel bass amp simulator/DI with pure analog signal path
  • Give your sound warmth and bite thanks to a 12AX7 preamp tube running at high voltage - integrated drive channel dry/wet blend for enhanced tone shaping
  • Advanced Analog Cab Sim for seamless DI, whether in the studio or on stage
  • 4-cable mode, FX Loop and MIDI In/Out for effortless integration into existing setups
  • Rugged, portable design perfectly sized for pedalboards and fly rigs
  • Includes the ReVolt: Series-B DynIR Cabinet Collection (a $100/$ value) with 10 exquisite DynIR

Both units will be available from September 2022 at selectet retailers for CHF 389.



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